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Computer Science/Linear Algebra

03. Linear dependence and independence


Linear dependence and independence

Ex 1

We call this set linearly dependent set. Linearly dependent means that one of the vector in the set can be represented by some combination of the other vectors in the set. Whichever vector you pick that can be represented by the others, it's not adding any new directionaility or any new information!

Ex 2

❓ Are these linearly independent?

❗ nope!  is a linear combinations of these other two vectors!

  • span( , , ) = span( , ) = 

Ex 3

These are linearly independent!

More on linear independence

Let's say there is a linearly dependent set .

Linearly dependent  ( 

Now let's prove this proposition. we should show a vector  can be represented by other vectors' linear combination.

Proof 1)

Proof 2)

Span and linear independence example

Let's see an example if  is .

Using these equations, we can calculate like this.

And from these equations, we can make equations about .


It means that, If we get any vector  , we can always find  and represent the vector!

Linearly Independent

Linearly independent  We cannot find the solution which satisfies ( except every  is zero.

So if a,b,c are zero, c1,c2,c3 should be zero, too.
And none of these vectors can be represented as a combination of the other two.


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