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Computer Science/Linear Algebra

01. Vectors


1. Vector intro for linear algebra

Vector has both magnitude and direction.

  • Speed is not a vector. This is considered to be a scalar quantity. If we want it to be a vector, we would also have to specify the direction.
  • Velocity is a vector because it has magnitude and direction.

And the interesting thing is that we only care about magnitude & dirrection. We don't necessarily not care where we start and where we place.

2. Real coordinate spaces

When you see R2 in your textbook, it means that 2-dimensional real coordinate space.

  • 2 tells how many dimensions are there.
  • R tells Real Cartesian coordinate space. This space is all the possible real-valued 2-tuples.
  • tuple means an ordered list of numbers. neither numbers have imaginary numbers.

3. Adding vectors

They are the some regardless of Addition order

4. Multiplying a vector by a scalar

  1. If you multiply -1, then the direnction of vector will be exactly opposite!
  2. If you multiply possitive number scalar except 1, then the magnitude of vector will be changed!

  • ex. multiplying with a negative scalar
    a = [2,1]
    -1a = [-2, -1]

5. Vector examples

Standard position is just to start the vectors at 0, 0 and then draw them.
You can start vector at any point in R2

  • Subtraction
    ex. x = [2,3], y = [-4, -2]
    x - y = x + (-1 * y) = [6, 5]
    y - x = [-6 ,-5]

  • Generalization (not only in 2-D space)
    ex. In R4
    a = [0, -1, 2, 3] , b = [4, -2, 0, 5]
    4a - 2b = [-8, 0, 8, 2]

6. Unit vectors intro

Unit vector is a vector which has length 1.

Any 2-dimensional vectors can be represented with two vectors(i=[1,0], j=[0,1])

v = 2i + 3j

7. Parametric representations of lines

Let's define some vectors.


 starts at the origin because  is a position vector.

S = 

What if we want to represent a parallel line that goes through that point over (2,4)?

And let's define another set.
L = 

  • t is parametrization of the line

Why should we use L instead of y=mx+b equation?
y=mx+b can only work well in R2. But line L can work at any dimension. That's why we represent a line like that.



L = 

We can also represent like this way.
Li = [L1, L2] = 

  • L1: x-coordinate
  • L2: y-coordinate

It's really easy in 2-Dimensional space, but how do you present lines in three dimensions?



These vectors are in R3.

L = 

  • x-coordinate = -1 + (-1)t
  • y-coordinate = 2 + (-1)t
  • z-coordinate = 7 + 3t

Then our line can be described as a set of vectors.

As we are dealing in R3, the only way to define a line is to have a parametric equation.

x+y+z = k is not a line!! This is a plane. The only way to define a line or a curve in three dimensions, it has to be a parametric equation!.
